ISBN 978-0-9846536-4-5
Pages 278
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In Kansas and Missouri, the War
Between the States started long before Fort Sumter. As
it escalates to a declared war, follow Daniel , Rebecca
and Andre, as they deal with the war's brutal
Throw into the mix the larger-than-life characters who
played a part in the sectional violence which led the
nation into its bloodiest war and you have a novel with
all the drama of the era. You'll meet James Lane, JEB
Stuart, Robert E. Lee, Joseph Shelby, Harriet Tubman,
Abraham Lincoln, and the other men and women who have
shaped this nation into what it is today. You will never
look at any of them as just characters in a history book
This is a historical novel unlike any you have ever read
before. It is a blend of history, action and romance.
Facts read like fiction, and fiction could have been
fact. It is a story of a time that changed a nation and
a handful of people who lived and died in our nation's
most colorful era.
Reviews for Under a Bloody Flag:
Great story! I can't wait for the next book to come
out. --Lydia Hawke, author of Civil War novels
'Firetrail,' 'Perfect Disguise,' 'Exiles On The St.
Johns,' and 'Raiders On The St. John'
Splendid! --Renee Gordon, staff-writer for the
Philadelphia Sunday Sun.
Really loved the characters in this one. Of course,
now I'm worried about what kind of jeopardy you're going
to expose them to in the sequel and if they'll survive!
--Barbara Sachs Sloan, author of 'FOCUS: A Blueprint for
a Happier Life.'
Dan and Andre were looking over their flourishing winter
wheat crop. Dan and Becky's dogs, Mason and Dixon,
frolicked nearby. Future prospects were looking good
until Dan heard the dogs stop their play and begin
barking. He looked into the woods where both dogs were
staring and saw a group of mounted men paused at the
edge of the trees. He turned toward Andre. 'Can you make
out what uniform those men are wearing?'
Unless someone pointed out that the two men were
half-brothers, no one would guess considering Andre's
African heritage was clearly stamped on his features
even though he was just a few shades darker than Dan.
Andre's ebony hair had a lot of curl, whereas Dan's wavy
light brown hair had glints of blond streaked through it
by the Kansas sun. Both men were tall and slim with
broad shoulders.
Andre looked where Dan pointed. 'Not too clearly with
the sun in my eyes, but I would say they are not
Realizing they had been observed, the men came charging
out of the brush. As they got closer, Dan got a better
look at them. The leader of the pack was a short man
with a Cossack cap on his head and the uniform of Jim
Lane's 7th Kansas Cavalry. Dan groaned. 'Looks like Doc
Jennison's Redlegs. Not friendly for sure. Wish I
brought my guns out with us now.'
Andre replied, 'Wouldn't do much good. There must be
thirty or so of them vermin. Maybe we can bluff our way
out, but not much chance of winning a gun battle at
those odds.'
Every Southerner dreaded a visit from the Redlegs, so
called because of the red gaiters on their legs. Their
leader, Charles Jennison, a bandy little man, patrolled
the area near the Missouri border and made a practice of
robbing and killing anyone with any Southern connection.
They earned the soubrette when one of their members, Pat
Devlin, also referred to as 'Pat with a devil in him,'
entered a Kansas border village with a horse so loaded
down with loot it was almost hidden from view. Asked
what he had been up to, Pat replied he'd been out
'jayhawking.' When asked what that term meant, Devlin
stated, 'I have been foraging off the enemy and while
riding home on me beast, I bethought me of the bird we
have in Ireland, we call the jayhawk, which takes
delight in worryin' its prey before devouring it, and I
thought ‘jayhawking' a good name for the business I was
in meself.'
A local wag noted, 'They gave themselves up to
plundering, robbing and stealing from everybody and
anybody. They pretended to be Free-State men – called
themselves so – but any man with a little property was a
Pro-Slavery man in their eyes, and ‘all horses were
Dan saw the little smirk on Jennison's face as he
approached and knew there he faced a big problem. His
rifle was in the cabin with his wife, Becky. She knew
how to use it, but there were too many of these
desperados even if he, Becky, Andre and Andre's wife,
Renee, were armed and ready. At least Renee, a runaway
slave, was relatively safe from this band since they
proclaimed themselves Free-State men out to stamp out
slavery and run any Southerners out of Kansas. Those
they did not run out, they killed. Andre spoke quietly
just before the band got within earshot. 'Remember to
stay calm, Danny Boy, These men are really dangerous.
Remember they hanged that old man, Samuel Scott, in his
own yard.'
Dan nodded. 'I know. I'll keep my Irish temper under
control and use my French cunning instead.'
He recalled Jennison's pack of dogs, sanctioned by Jim
Lane, hanged another man, Russ Hines. Their latest
outrage had been to break into L.D. Moore's home during
the night and shoot him as he slept in his bed. Moore
had been a member of a vigilante group sworn to stop the
widespread horse theft in the area, most of it done by
the Redlegs. Jennison decided to pay Moore a visit in
the dead of night and teach him a lesson. After killing
Moore, Jennison rode to the home of Mr. Hudson, whose
wife was related to Moore. Jennison coolly informed Mrs.
Hudson of the killing and demanded she provide breakfast
for his party.
Dan knew Andre was right. His best chance was not to
anger Jennison. The man had a very short fuse. Gritting
his teeth, he tried for a civil tone. 'You gentlemen
looking for someone?' Jennison reined his horse in so he
looked down on Dan and Andre. He spat a stream of yellow
tobacco. 'Yeah, I sure am. I'm hunting down any slave
holding Southerons.' He shot a glance toward Andre. 'You
boy. You're free now. Ain't no need for you to be hoeing
this lowlife's field. Git.'
Andre didn't move. 'We're partners. It's my field too.'
Jennison snickered. He addressed the man riding next to
him. 'Funny partner for a Negro to have, huh Marshall?'
His eyes never left Dan. 'What you doing in Kansas? It's
a free territory and gonna be a free state soon. No
place for the like of you.'
Dan stared back at the little captain. 'This is my
claim. I'm neutral in this fight. Andre is not a slave;
he is a free man. I freed him before I came to Kansas.'
'Neutral?' Jennison laughed. 'Neutrality is impossible;
if you are patriots, you must fight; if your are
traitors, you will be punished. Traitors will everywhere
be treated as outlaws, enemies of God and man, too base
to hold any description of property, and having no
rights which loyal men are bound to respect. You have no
right to this claim or any Kansas land.'
The man Jennison addressed as Marshall sneered.
'Neutral? I think you are just another stinking
traitor.' He looked toward his commander. 'Shall I take
him for trial or just shoot him here?'