ISBN: 978-0-9845926-6-1
Historical Fiction
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In Kansas and Missouri, the War Between the
States started long before Fort Sumter. Daniel
Fitzgerald, a Southerner who tries to settle
Kansas and leave behind his tormented Louisiana
roots, soon finds that in Kansas Territory you
have to take sides or die. Taking sides doesn't
lessen the chances of a violent death, it just
determines who is going to try and kill you.
For Massachusetts-born Rebecca Styles, who comes
to Kansas to insure freedom for slaves, the
choice is easy. Or is it? When she meets Daniel,
she is forced to take a new look at all the
ideas she took for granted, like all Southerners
are evil and all abolitionists are good.
Daniel's half-brother and former slave,
knows his first loyalty belongs to his friends
and family, not a lofty ideal, but he can't sit
by and do nothing when injustice stares him in
the face.
Throw into the mix all the larger-than-life
characters who played a part in the sectional
violence which led the nation into its bloodiest
war and you have a novel with all the drama of
the era. You'll meet James Lane, John Brown, JEB
Stuart, Robert E. Lee, Joseph Shelby, Harriet
Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, and the other men and
women who have shaped this nation into what it
is today.
You will never look at any of them as just
characters in a history book again.
This is a historical novel unlike any you have
ever read before. It is a blend of history,
action and romance. Facts read like fiction, and
fiction could have been fact. It is a story of a
time that changed a nation and a handful of
people who lived and died in our nation's most
colorful era.
Reviews of Under A Bloody
Great story! I can't wait for the next book to come
out. --Lydia Hawke, author of Civil War novels
'Firetrail,' 'Perfect Disguise,' 'Exiles On The St.
Johns,' and 'Raiders On The St. Johns.'
Splendid! --Renee Gordon, staff-writer for the
Philadelphia Sunday Sun.
Really loved the characters in this one. Of course,
now I'm worried about what kind of jeopardy you're going
to expose them to in the sequel and if they'll survive!
-- Barbara Sachs Sloan, author of 'FOCUS: A
Blueprint for a Happier Life.'
Chapter 1
May 24, 1856—Kansas Territory
Dan sat on the banks of the creek. The night was warm
and muggy. The moon was full enough to see his trotline
corks bobbing in the water and his damp clothes resting
on the bank next to him. It shed enough light to see
Andre splashing in the deeper part of the creek. The
line of cottonwood trees hid the small log cabin the two
of them had thrown up so hurriedly in the past two weeks
since they had arrived in Kansas Territory. The cabin
was just a temporary shelter until they could build
something better, but getting in a crop on their forty
acres was the most urgent necessity. It was all so
different from Louisiana. Everything here was rough and
primitive. Still he was glad to be here. So much had
happened so fast since that night of his mother's
When he had left the plantation he headed for New
Orleans to drink away the pain and sorrow. It was three
days later in one of the sleazier cat houses when Andre
came for him. Andre sobered him up and cleaned him up.
It was Andre who made him realize he could not just
drink away his life. He needed to either reconcile with
his father or make his own way. Reconciling with Michael
was not an option. Making his own way was a novel
experience for which eighteen-year-old Daniel Kerry
Fitzgerald had no familiarity. It was Andre who told him
of the group of settlers coming from Montgomery,
Alabama, by way of Mobile. Their steamship, Florida, had
just docked in New Orleans. They were headed for Kansas
Territory to support the Southern faction in making sure
Kansas was admitted to the Union as a slave state. Their
leader, Major Jefferson Buford, was willing to accept a
few more emigrants. He offered free passage to Kansas
and help for one year while the emigrants got settled on
their claims.
'He's looking for ‘sober, industrious young men.''
had stated. 'So we'd better get you smelling a little
fresher than you do now, Danny Boy.'
It had never occurred to Dan to wonder about the fact
that his young servant had been allowed to sit in while
Mr. Douglas, the long-suffering tutor Michael had
brought in to turn his wild hellion of a son into a true
Southern gentleman, had expounded good grammar along
with Latin and the classics. A lot of things had never
occurred to him. Like why Andre was so much lighter than
his mother. And why Dan's own mother never seemed to
have a word to say to her husband unless it related to
the management of the household. Now it all made a
bitter and perfect sense. They boarded the steamer
America and arrived in Kansas on May 2. Dan had lied
about his age: he needed to be twenty-one to file a
claim on the forty acres of Kansas land. He had in his
pocket the few hundred dollars of his money and Buford's
pledge of support in the new land. Andre had in his
pocket the manumission papers making him a free man
which Dan had hurriedly processed before they left New
They had rushed from the border to claim a plot of land
here on Mosquito Creek near where it flowed into the
Pottawatomie Creek. It was fertile and had lots of
timber, some oak and cotton wood, that was easily felled
and notched to let them get the cabin, if you could call
it that, standing. The cabin had four walls, not yet
caulked, and a rough chimney but only a dirt floor.
Although most people in Kansas Territory assumed Andre
was a slave, Dan filed a joint claim, making his brother
a full partner. They had been putting all their energy
into clearing a plot of land at least big enough for a
vegetable patch and a cornfield for a cash crop.
He was pulled from his reverie by the muffled but
unmistakable sound of gunfire. Andre heard it too and
was out of the water throwing on his half-dry trousers
as Dan reached for his own. The two young men hurried
back by way of the almost hidden trail to their cabin.
The cabin was closer to reach than the horses which were
penned in a rough corral on the nearby prairie land to
graze. Dan had purchased two dray animals to pull the
wagon and supplies he had been given based on the
agreement with Major Buford. Jokingly named Trouble and
Double Trouble, they were sorry specimens but better
than many settlers owned. Nothing was disturbed, but
there were some horse tracks and footprints in the loose
dirt near the door.
'Somebody was looking for us,' Dan observed. 'Who would
be calling after dark?'
'Could be them Free-State men,' Andre replied. 'I heard
they were a bit upset by the ruckus Sheriff Sam Jones
caused when he rode into Lawrence a few days ago.'
'Yeah,' Dan replied. 'Some ruckus.'
He had heard all about the burning of the New England
Emigrant Aid Company hotel and the destruction of two
Free-State Lawrence newspapers presses. Jones' men had
also burned down bogus Governor Charles Robinson's
house. 'At least no one was killed. It would all simmer
down if they would just leave us Southerners alone.
Well, let's just head down to the Doyle's cabin and make
sure they are all right.' ....