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Casey’s in trouble again. It’s bad
when you have a tenant you're
evicting renting one side of a
duplex and dying in a suspicious
fire. When her twin sister shows up,
and the police start investigating
your motives, you've got double
Chapter 1
I was sound asleep at 2:15 am when the phone on my night
stand blasted out “You are my Sunshine.” It yanked me
out of a very pleasant dream about Detective Joe Scalini
and I lying on a blanket on Saint Augustine Beach.
Dixie hissed and twitched her jet black tail as I pushed
her of
the pillow to reach for the phone. I murmured to
the cat. “Yeah. I hate waking up like this too.”
I grabbed the phone and snarled, “I hope this is
The caller replied, “Indeed it is, Ms. Clark. This is
Miss Wagner and that woman next door is blasting music
out loud enough to wake the dead. Listen.”
Evidently Miss Wagner held the phone to her wall as I
heard “Laugh Now, Cry Later” by Drake blaring. I was
pretty sure the wall was vibrating. When my hearing
returned, I heard Miss Wagner’s voice again. “I can’t
stand anymore. I’m moving. Today if possible.”
I sympathized. “I’ll talk to Ms. Braxton again tomorrow.
I am sorry. Did you call police again?”
“Miss Wagner laughed. “Why, so by the time they get out
here it’s morning, and she has shut down and I have left
to go teach school?”
“If Ms. Braxton does not agree to keep the music off at
a reasonable hour, I will evict her.”
“Ms. Clark, you have tried telling her that before and
it’s hasn’t done any good. No, I am moving by the end of
the month if not sooner. No court would uphold that
lease. I can’t function under these circumstances and
then go teach a class of junior high kids. Nothing short
of death, hers or mine, is going to change my mind.”
Miss Wagner banged the phone down.
I was wide awake now. No point in going back to bed.
Anyway, Dixie was demanding some cat treats. In case you
hadn’t met me while I was chasing down the tenant from
Hell, I’m Casey Clark, realtor and property manager at
Peller Realty here in Saint Augustine.
Dixie is my somewhat psychic black cat. She can be very
demanding so I got out the bag of cat treats and dumped
a few in her dish. I share custody of her with my ex,
I turned up the heat a few notches and put my tea kettle
on and contemplated how I was going to handle Diane
Braxton. Anyone else I would have already evicted, but
she had come referred by the owner, Butch Mitchell.
Mitchell was a ROTC instructor at University of Florida
in Gainesville. He had called to let me know Braxton was
going to apply to rent one side of his duplex beginning
in December. He told me, “Diane was a drama major here
and had to drop out for financial reasons. She had no
rental history as she was living in the dorm, but her
teachers all speak highly of her. I think she will be a
great tenant.”
“What about work history?” I asked him.
He replied, “She got a job at The Colonial Quarter as a
18th century Spanish woman and got a part in the
Colonial Revue there as well.”
The other reason I hesitated on the eviction is that
Mitchell appears to be in a tight financial situation.
He does all his repairs himself; not always to the
tenants' satisfaction. He has told me many times that he
can barely pay the mortgage so it is important to keep
it rented. He just signed a listing with me for the
almost vacant lot next door to the rental duplex. He is
not going to be happy when he finds both units empty.
Although we have a tight rental market here due to the
influx of visitors since the 450th birthday celebration
in 2015 of the city’s founding really put St. Augustine
in the spotlight, and the fact that many visitors return
as residents, rentals are scarcer and more expensive
than neighboring counties. I could probably rent a
chicken coop, but Mitchell’s duplex is older and not in
a prime location. It is out a few miles past the outlet
mall west of I-95 and somewhat isolated. Thus, it is a
slower moving rental.
Miss Wagner was already a tenant when I took over
management of the duplex. It came to me in the wave of
business Peller Realty got when I was touted on all the
cable TV stations as a “national hero” when my
involvement in tracking down the killer of my tenant
from Hell and his girlfriend lead me to Helen, Georgia.
That made me a target for a pair of crooked FBI agents
involved with the biggest drug ring in the North Georgia
Mountains. I ended up in the eye of the storm and became
an unwitting hero when I saved Deputy Marshal Roger
Wilkes’ life.
I contemplated what I could say to Diane Braxton that
might make her see reason and quit playing loud music
into early morning hours. Not much came to mind. How
does one talk reason to a twenty-three-year-old? I
decided since Diane had no problem keeping poor Miss
Wagner up all night she deserved an early morning wake
up call. I dialed her number but it went straight to
voice mail. Instead of leaving a message I had a better
idea. I took off my night shirt and threw on a
lightweight pale green sweater and a pair of stretchy
gray slacks with some comfortable flat shoes and headed
I was meeting Joe for breakfast at Maple Street Biscuit
Company in the historic district on Cordova Street just
about four blocks from the Colonial Quarter.
Joe Scalini is a handsome Italian detective with Saint
Johns Sheriff’s Department. He and I met when he was
lead detective in the killing of my former tenant from
Hell when I was somewhat of a suspect.
After breakfast, I would pay Miss Spanish Damsel an
in-person distress call. The loud music all night long
had to end or she would have to go.
Joe had arrived ahead of me and was seated in the
restaurant. He was wearing a multi colored knit sweater
and slim cut black slacks. The bulky sweater added a
muscular look to his already well-built body and the
slacks made him look taller than his six foot. His dark
hair was a little windblown. As always he had a hint of
a five o’clock shadow.
I had my usual breakfast at Maple Street, a Risky
Biscuit. One of their lighter-than-air biscuits drenched
with their special sausage gravy. Joe went a bit farther
out on the cholesterol spectrum with the Five and Dime.
Like mine, it was a biscuit covered in sausage gravy,
but his had chicken breast, bacon, a fried egg, and
cheddar cheese added.
Afterward, he joined me in the walk to The Colonial
Quarter. It’s a walk though time, over 450 years of
Saint Augustine’s existence. The weather was pleasant,
sunshine peeked through the oak trees and temperature
was around sixty-five degrees; one of those Florida
February days you felt spring was just around the
The gatekeeper knew Joe was a detective and waved us in.
We walked past the ancient oak in Colonial Oak Music
Park where a Spanish soldier and a British one from the
18th century were talking and headed for the de
Mesa-Sanchez House where Diane Braxton was a docent.
We detoured past the replica of a late-1500s Spanish
ship called a caravel. The sailing ship is the kind that
would have been built during that first Spanish period.
It’s a work in progress with a shallow keel for
maneuvering through the harbor and sails built for speed
needed to evade the ever present pirates.
Then we walked past the military gunsmith shop where a
colonial dressed craftsman is building and repairing the
weapon needed to defend the garrison from said pirates.
Speaking of pirates, I wasn’t too surprised to see Bill
Morgan there since the Pirate and Treasure Museum where
Bill is a docent is next door on the Bayfront. Bill and
I date occasionally, but it’s never going any place
serious since his parrot, Pete, and my Dixie do not like
one another.
Naturally, Bill was in full pirate regalia as Captain
Morgan, his blond ringlets hanging behind his gold hoop
earring, a curved sword at his side, with his parrot,
Pete, on his shoulder. I was surprised at the cozy
embrace he was giving Diane.
Diane was dressed in traditional Spanish garb of the
18th century, a wide, long, tan skirt and a long sleeved
blouse with a brown laced-up vest that showed her ample
breast to full advantage. The bright red kerchief set
off her golden blond hair to perfection.
Before we could intrude on the romantic interlude
between swashbuckling pirate and his Spanish lass, a man
rushed over to the duo and roughly pushed them apart. He
was about as tall as the pirate but much thinner.
It was another of my tenants with a fondness for late
night parties, Hunter Lane, a music major at Flagler
College. Fortunately, Hunter and his roommate, Morgan
Taylor, lived in an area of Lincolnville that was
predominantly Flagler College students, hence not too
many complaints. Even with its heavy student population,
Hunter and Morgan generated a few complaints. They had a
band called Atom Splitters.
As we approached the circle that was forming around the
couple, Hunter was shouting at Bill, “...and keep your
filthy hands off my woman.”
Bill was not one to back down, and he put his hand on
his sword and replied, “Diane’s not your private
property. She’s free to date who she pleases.”
Before a fight could erupt, the blacksmith dressed in
colonial garb and wearing a leather apron rushed over
carrying a glowing red iron rod he had been pounding
into a weapon. “Hey, fellows, No fighting here.”
Joe gave me a satisfied look. “Seems like your pirate
has sailed his ship into another port.”
“Bill’s not ‘my pirate.’ We’re just friends,” I replied.
Diane had backed off into a shady place under a small
oak and watched with satisfaction. Bill gave Hunter one
last dirty look and sauntered back towards the Pirate
Pete screeched out, “Naughty. Naughty.”
Hunter gave Diane a look that called her lots of dirty
names without saying a word.
He headed back towards the music park area. Seeing me,
he stopped to explain. “Hi, Ms. Clark. I just came to
check out the stage size at the music park. Morgan and I
are playing here next Saturday. There’s three different
groups taking turns playing. You ought to come see us.”
“Yes, I might. One of the agents at our office, Lonnie
Richards, is playing then also.”
“Oh yeah,” Hunter replied, “I know Lonnie. He does a
really cool imitation of that old-time musician, Ray
The “old-time” put us into our respective age
categories, I had been a teen when Ray Charles died,
Hunter had been a toddler. I didn't consider any
musician still playing in the 21st century as
“old-time.” His “Georgia on my Mind” was one of my
favorites and I loved the one he did with his long-time
friend, Willie Nelson, “Seven Spanish Angels.”
The thought of Spanish Angels brought me back to the
task at hand, having a discussion with a not-so-angelic
Spanish docent. I left Hunter and Joe discussing music
and went over to Diane. “Ms. Braxton I need to speak
with you about the late night music playing at your
house. It is disturbing your neighbor.”
She put her hands on her hips and leaned forward almost
into my face. “Yeah, what about my personal music
choices, which isn’t anyone else’s business including
that old biddy next door?”
This wasn’t going well. I said, “Miss Wagner is a school
teacher, and she needs to be able to sleep at night.
Playing loud music in a residential neighborhood is
against the law from 10pm until 7am on Sunday through
Thursday and 11pm and 7am on Friday and Saturday.”
“I’m a singer and trying out with a band that does some
pretty heavy Rock.” She folded her arms with a look that
said she had explained the need for the music perfectly.
“Couldn’t you do that during the day? Aside from it
being the law, there’s a noise clause in your lease.” I
Diane stepped close and forced me to back up. “Well, you
know what you can do with that lease? Shove it where the
sun don’t shine. My rent is paid. My house, my music.”
The last part was shouted loud enough to cause Joe to go
on alert. He relaxed a bit as Diane flounced away.
“Not for long,” I shouted to her retreating back.
As we left to go to our respective workplace, Joe
commented, “I thought you and your tenant were going to
pick up where the pirate and musician left off.”
I was quietly fuming and it showed. “Diane Braxton
hasn’t see the last of me. I’m heading out to ‘her
house’ later this evening with an official eviction
notice that she can shove ‘where the sun don’t shine,’
We’ll see who gets the last laugh.”
Joe looked mildly alarmed. “Don’t do anything rash.”
“Oh it won’t be rash, It’ll be well-prepared and thought
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