The Tenant
from Hell
It's usually just routine for Casey
Clark, Property Manager at Peller
Realty. When a tenant refuses to pay
rent, just evict and move on. Not so
with the tenant from Hell. He draws
Casey into murder, drug rings,
ghosts, Indians, and a hectic trip
to Hell in Georgia. Her worst
problem of having to deal with her
psychic cat, Dixie, not getting
along with Casey's pirate
boyfriend's parrot, changes into
scrambling to stay alive.

The Tenant from Hell won Silver in the Mystery Fiction
Category of the Dan Poynter's Global Ebook Awards
for 2021.
Chapter 1
The morning of November 1st started
just like any other. That is if you work at a real
estate office where a lot of egos compete for top
realtor of the month and PR stuff is rampant. Like
having a huge plastic black Halloween cat still in the
parking lot that shouts our whenever a car pulls into
the lot, "Welcome to Peller Realty where you will find
your perfect new home, with or without ghosts"
I'm Casey Clark and I work at Peller Realty in Saint
Augustine, Florida. It's a small branch of a huge firm
with offices all over Florida. When my marriage went
south after ten years, I took my real estate license
class and, no surprise, I passed.
I grew up in a real estate orientated family. We were the
original flippers. My parents would buy a house in need
of repair, and we would move in and begin repairs. As
soon as we made it comfortable to live in, out we would
go into the next renovation. I never spent more than
three years in one school.
I was lucky enough to land the property manager spot at
Peller because Bucky Brown was leaving after two years
at the helm and none of the other realtors were
clamoring for his spot. I had had rentals of my own so I
qualified. Bucky's parting advice was, "Get a large
bottle of antacid and some Tylenol."
You might think a property manager at a large real estate
firm might have a dull job. Let me tell you, it's not.
Tenants can be some weird characters and owners not much
better. I had a feeling today would not be like any
other. I had just gotten off the phone with a slightly
hysterical lady who wanted Peller to manage her
property. "Right now," she insisted. "You need to get
over here quick before Mike kills him."
The “kills him” part warned me I should not touch this one.
The business side screamed, “Go get it before she calls
Sunny Side Realty or one of your other rivals.”
Naturally, I wanted that twenty percent commission. Actually
I only get half of it, my broker, Lisa Lee Loren, claims
the other half between her and the company owner, J. M.
Among us agents, we thought the J. M. stood for “Jesus” and
“Mary” as he played the religious card to the hilt. He
was a deacon in his church in Jacksonville, and wanted
to give the impression he would never do anything evil.
He didn’t. He had a hatchet man, Dwight Kickum, who did the
dirty work. Agents who didn’t produce what Mr. Peller
thought they should, soon had a meeting with Dwight
Kickum and were cleaning out their desk right after. I
wanted to stay employed so I headed over to the island
to meet Mrs. Mulligan and see who Mike was and who he
going to kill. I was hoping Mike was the family cat, and
he had trapped a rat in the rental.
I pulled up in front of the address Mrs. Mulligan gave me on
Anastasia Island outside Anastasia State Park boundary.
It was a moderately-priced, pale-green Craftsman stucco
house with a pillared front porch and a separate
two-story garage set off about 30 feet from the house.
Nice sized lot for a house this close to the beach. It
didn’t have the look of a rental so I assumed it was
home base for the Mulligans and that they wanted to rent
the apartment over the garage.
Still, that would bring in a nice rental commission. Just
based on location I’d guess it was in the eight or
nine-hundred bracket depending on what was inside.
Unlike parking in the historic district, parking here was
easy. The state park protected by a thick wall of pine
and palmetto bushes was across the street, the property
was on a corner lot, with an empty wooded lot on the
other side.
Mrs. Mulligan opened at my knock. She looked me over as if
surprised I was a 5’5” slim blond not a lady wrestler.
She invited me in and introduced me to Mike. She told me
this was a weekend home for them as they both lived and
worked in Jacksonville. Bridget was a medical technician
and Mile was a hospital chef.
I was half right about the cat/rat part. Mike was her
husband, Mike Mulligan, but it was a rat of sorts he
wanted to kill. Mrs. Mulligan, who insisted I call her
Bridget, explained the situation. “We rented our garage
apartment to Rosalee and her boyfriend, Hiram. Now, they
won’t pay the rent until we do a lot of unrealistic
“That’s easy to remedy. Unless you promised to do those
repairs, we can evict them for non-payment of rent.
Peller can take over management, and we do the eviction
procedures,” I said.
I explained our fees and produced a contract which both
parties agreed to and signed. The commission guaranteed,
I got to the hard part. “I’ll need the tenant
information and I assume you didn’t promise them any
Bridget looked at Mike. Mike looked at his feet. “Well, It
was last weekend and Hiram and I were enjoying a few
Guinnesses. He started saying how the apartment would
look great if it had a balcony all around. ‘Sure and it
would’ I agreed. Then he said that a widows walk on the
roof would be classy. Again I agreed. Now, he has sent a
certified letter refusing to pay any more rent until I
make the ‘promised repairs’ to the apartment.” He handed
me the letter.
“No problem. Verbal contracts are not enforceable in Florida.
However, it’s not a good idea to get too sociable with a
tenant. Better to keep it on a Mr. Mulligan and Mr.
Hiram Whatever basis,” I advised.
“We don’t know Hiram’s last name,” Bridget stated.
“What about an application when you rented to them?” I asked.
Bridget looked pointedly at Mike. Again Mike looked at his
feet. Finally he answered.
“Well, Rosalee Menendez worked with me at the hospital.
She was a good worker and always on time and
everything so when she said she and her new boyfriend
were moving to Saint Augustine and needed to find a
place to live, I offered the apartment.”
I shook my head. These people really needed help. “Mr.
Mulligan, you should always get a signed application
giving you permission to investigate any possible
criminal records and check previous rental references.
These people are living right next door and you know
nothing about them other than that she was a reliable
worker. ”
He sighed, “Rosalee’s job application is on file at the
hospital. Hiram told me once he was from Hell. Not sure
if he meant a town named that or what. He said he had
moved here from Georgia.”
“Only place I ever heard of named Hell is in Michigan. Maybe
because of the winters. None I know of in Georgia,” I
replied. “Anyway, I’ll draw up an three-day eviction
notice using Rosalee Menendez and just Hiram.
This one is simple. I write it up and post it on their door.
Next step if they don’t move out and return the key to
surrender the apartment, is going to cost you to evict
Mike growled, “Why can’t I just go kick his ass out?”
Bridget and I exchanged glances. I suspected this was why she
wanted me to manage the property. I patiently explained
to Mike, “That’s probably what he wants you to do. At
best, you will have to pay three months of rent for him.
At worst, he claims injury and sues you for damages
which could end with him getting ownership of your
property. Do not speak to him until we get him out. Will
you agree to that?”
Mike nodded grudgingly. “Good,” I replied. “By law, you can’t
enter the apartment unless you have reasonable cause to
suspect damages. Like if it’s on fire. You can’t take
off his door or anything else. I’ll handle it from here
out. That’s what you pay me for.”
Mike nodded again. Bridget gave me a grateful look. I
continued, “Worst case, if he doesn’t move within three
days excluding weekends and holidays, we then have to
serve a five-day notice called a “complaint,” posted
either by the sheriff. That will cost you $230. Again
weekends and holidays don’t count.”
“The law sure does favor the tenant. He sits there rent-free
while we scrape to pay the mortgage,” Mike said.
“I agree,” I said. “But the law is the law.”
Bridget asked, “What happens if he ignores all our notices?”
I answered, “Ignoring is your best bet. If he just ignores
the five day notice, you then file a three-day notice
and the sheriff’s department sends a deputy to observe
and you just put his possessions out by the curb and
change the lock.” I added the worst case scenario.
“However if he files an answer to your five-day notice
with the court, you will need a lawyer or appear and
represent yourself. I can’t speak for you to the court
but I can go and give you advice. That can take months.”
“Meantime, that rat simply stays there thumbing his nose at
us and I can’t lay a hand on him?”
If this was a cartoon, I would have seen the steam coming out
of Mike’s ears. “Theoretically, he
needs to post the amount of rent he feels he owes with
the clerk of court. However, he can claim he doesn’t
think he owes anything as he can say the “repairs’ you
promised make the apartment unsafe. Ridiculous I know,
but again, this waits until the judge rules.”
I drew up the three-day notice and went to serve it. The
stairs leading to the apartment had a small stoop in
front of the door. The entrance door was glass jalousie
panes and there were several windows. Hiram answered the
door before I could knock. He was a stocky bearded man
wearing overalls with no shirt. He looked about 40 years
old and in fit condition.
For a moment I envisioned the sixtyish beer-bellied Mike
trying to “kick his ass out” and then proceeded to begin
the same process in a more civilized fashion. I gave him
my best Peller smile and tried for a last name, “Are you
Hiram? I’m sorry I don't have your last name.”r />
He didn’t respond with his name, Instead he growled,
“I’m Hiram. What’s it to you?”
“I’m Casey Clark, with Peller Realty and am now managing this
property. I need to either collect this month’s rent or
serve you with this.” I held out the notice and
automatically he took it and read.
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Mulligan promised me a lot of repairs
he ain’t goin’ ta do. You, Missie, get off my steps and
don’t ya set foot on them again. I see ya again and I’ll
sue ya and your damned firm. I know my rights.”
Well, so much for being nice. I headed back to the office to
set up the record on my new rental property. At least,
when I got there the Halloween cat was down. I doubted I
would have the tenant from Hell out before the giant
talking turkey went up.
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